In laser hair removal technique, laser energy is used for long term reduction of unwanted hair.
This can be achieved by generating heat in your hair that is transmitted to the hair follicles, which in turn produces inflammation and this inflammation send a signal to the hair follicles to go into the resting phase.
Various questions come in the minds of people, who want to seek this treatment.
Here are few questions about the treatment:1. Are there any types of lasers used in the treatment?Currently, there are several types of lasers and laser like devices used for this treatment.
2. Does the treatment work for me?Laser mainly targets melanin in your hair. The more melanin you have in your hair, the more effective the treatment will be. So, someone with red, blonde, or gray is not as good a candidate for hair removal than the one with darker hair.
3. What areas are treated?Except the area around the eyes, you can take the treatment at any area. Areas that are most commonly treated include: neck, lips, underarms, abdomen, back, legs, bikini lines, chest, and periareolar.
4. Who is a good candidate for laser hair removal?Almost everyone a good candidate for laser hair removal. People with light skin and darker hair will get more benefit. This is because, laser targets hair but not the skin. Also, people with pigmentation to their hair are also best for the treatment.
5. Who is not a suitable person to laser hair removal?People with blonde or white hair, or with hair around or between the eyes are not that much suitable for laser hair removal. These people can consider other treatments like waxing or electrolysis.
6. Are there any pre-treatment instructions?People who are undergoing laser hair removal should consider these pre-treatment tips.
- Don’t undergo laser treatment if you have sunburn or suntan.
- You should stop plucking or bleaching few weeks prior to the treatment.
- If you have genital herpes or cold sores, you should consult your doctor before undergoing the treatment.
7. Are there any post-treatment instructions?Bumps and redness are the most common symptoms that you experience after the treatment. Apply a cold compress for these types of symptoms. General precautions that you need to take after the treatment include:
- Apply sun block with SPF 25 for few weeks after undergoing the treatment.
- Don’t apply heavy makeup, instead use moisturizer.
- If necessary, you can shave the hair during the treatment regimen.
- If it is necessary, you can use topical steroid cream up on prescription.
8. How is laser hair removal beneficial for me?This treatment is a non-invasive method, which doesn’t require any needles or chemical creams. Some of the benefits of this treatment include:
- This treatment is safe if done properly.
- This method is less painful when compared to other treatments for hair removal.
- Most of the treatment takers have experienced long-lasting or even permanent hair removal.
- It is a very useful method for to remove hair from large areas such as backs or legs.
9. What are the limitations or disadvantages of laser hair removal?Though it is an excellent treatment choice, some may experience hair re-growth. But, the re-developed hair is finer and lighter in the color. Side effects are very rare, but some people may notice redness, scars, swellings and burns around the treatment area.
10. Do the results vary from person to person?The time and number of sessions vary from one person to another. People with lighter skin require few sessions and less time to observe the results, whereas people with darker skin require more sessions and the results are slower. The treatment must be individualized for each patient.