Thursday, October 29, 2009

Velashape For Sexier Figure!

Everyone dreams to have sexier figure. But, various things can obstruct you. Among those, cellulite is the one.

Cellulite affects 90% of the women; even skinny women can have cellulite. The main reason for cellulite is hormones or hereditary.

Cellulite or hardened fatty deposits involves fluid retention, enlargement of fat cells and a weakening of fat chambers.

Velashape is an effective solution for cellulite treatment and it is the only FDA approved non-surgical procedure cellulite reduction and circumferential reduction.

It is the safe and effective non-invasive procedure that is available in the market used for body sculpting and cellulite reduction.

How does Velashape work?

The secret to VelaShape is the revolutionary elōs™ technology – a combination of bi-polar radiofrequency (RF), infrared light energy, plus vacuum and mechanical massage. The combination of RF energies and infrared effectively heats the dermal and hypodermal tissues at the applied area. The accurate procedure ensures an effective, safe and fast treatment without any downtime.

Vacuum and particularly designed rollers used for mechanical massage even out the skin to bring safe and efficient heat energy. Finally, this boosts the metabolism of stored energy, improves lymphatic drainage and reduces size of the fat cells and fat cavities and thus giving a tighter and smoother figure.

In a clinical study, it is revealed that 85% of the areas that are treated with Velashape have stated circumferential reduction of thighs of at least 1cm and ranging up to 7.2cm in reduction.

How Velashape differs from other technologies?

Velashape Elos technology is different from other cellulite reduction techniques. In Velashape, radion frequency is highly controllable heat energy and works synergistically with optical energy. This RF light energy is at a safe level and suitable for all skin types. There are no risks and side effects with this treatment.

The treated areas are preheated with optical energy and the contact cooling on your skin’s surface provides increased comfort and safety.

Velashape works for circumferential reduction of cellulite on your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and love handles.

After receiving the first treatment, you will observe gradual improvement at the treated areas. You skin’s surface becomes smoother, firmer and tighter. Results in circumference and cellulite reduction will be most apparent 6-8 weeks after the final treatment session.

During the treatment, you will feel a warm sensation in the treated areas. Deep tissue massage improves your sensitivity and comfort level. Sometimes, your skin become red and exists for several hours.

You can learn more about Velashape by watching videos and images (VelaShape Video).

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